Monday 3 November 2014

What does the fox say??

Your current obsession is with foxes. I'm not sure how it started, but when you got a Ranger Rick Jr with a full size poster of a fox that sealed the deal. Out of true love, I downloaded the "what does the fox say?" song for you and we have been listening to it a lot!

You know everything about foxes, and want a real fox for Christmas. While we were in St.George, we went to a wildlife museum and there were a couple foxes there that you loved looking at.

I love the obsessions you get with things, and can't believe how much you are able to learn about them! You are one fun+smart boy!

Primary Program


The day we left for St.George, you had your primary program. You did awesome, of course! You spoke big and loud, right into the microphone and had your part memorized. Your part was "Because God created our bodies to be like His, I can take care of mine by eating healthy foods and playing outside." (You came up with the last part).  You also knew most of the songs, and did a great job singing. You were well behaved most of the time, but turned around to whisper to your buddy Will a couple of times. You make us so proud, Cooper. You are a great boy and we love you!