Sunday 29 June 2014

Dear Cooper

Dear Cooper:

What a blessing you have been in our lives during your 5 years here in our family! I hope that I can help you to be your best version of yourself, because I know that you are capable of great things! Here are some of the things that I love about you and hope for you...

-You have such strong faith already! I hope that you will build on that during your life, and that you will know without a doubt that your Heavenly Father lives, loves you, and can help you with anything you will experience during your life!

-You have a strong desire to do what's right. You will receive a lot of blessings if you are obedient. I hope that you continue to do whats right, and then you recognize where your blessings come from, and give thanks to your Heavenly Father.  I hope that you can share with other people the blessings that come from obedience.

-You LOVE to learn, and you are able to learn quickly. I hope that you always love to learn, and that you never stop learning.  I hope that when you get older you will know what to spend your time studying and what career is best for you, and I hope that you can use your knowledge to bless others.

-You are a leader! I love this about you and I hope that you always have your confidence and ability to lead others.  You take special care of Cole and Ivy, and they adore you. I am so glad they have a great example to look at through their lives.

-You think about your decisions, and make decisions wisely. You are very deliberate in everything that you do, and I hope that you always make wise decisions.

-You are empathetic! You truly feel for other people, and can read other's emotions so well.  You will be able to help others and bless their lives.

You are only 5 years old, but I learn so much from you every day. You are so special and a very important part of our family. We love you.


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