Saturday 4 October 2014

General Conference


Today was the first day of General Conference. You blew me away. Let me tell you about why...
We have been having more contention than we should have in our home lately. Everybody has been in a bit of a rut I think. But you have picked up on this. On Monday, we had a lesson on General Conference, and I told you boys that when you listen to General Conference, Heavenly Father tells the speakers what to talk about. So I told you boys to think of a question that you would ask Heavenly Father if you could talk to him. Your question was, "how can our family be nicer?" Then I told you boys that if you listened to the talks, you would get an answer to your question.

We haven't talked a lot about our questions since then. Today we watched conference. As I was putting you to bed, I wanted to share my answers with you, but first I asked if either of you had received an answer to your questions. I was surprised when you said, "Yes!" When I asked you what your answer was you told me "during one of the talks, someone said that if you want to have a better family than you need to read scriptures, so we need to read scriptures". I was speechless! The crazy thing is that this was one of the things that I was prompted to improve upon while listening to conference today too.

You are such a blessing to our family. Thank you for sharing your goodness with us! We love you so much!

xoxo Mom

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