Sunday 31 May 2015

Broken Arm


The Gibbons were packing up to move so we had Will and Jack over to play. Cooper was being a little wild, and jumped off Ivy's chair into hands and feet position being a dinosaur. He hurt his arm and didn't want to play the rest of the time. Cole hurt his elbow a month ago and it was "nurse maid elbow" so I was suspicious that maybe Cooper had the same thing. Later that evening we went to the Housley's so Mike could try to put it back in. No such luck. I debated going to the ER and physicially went back and forth twice trying to decide if we should go or just see our pediatrician the next day. When I took Cooper to Walgreens for motrin he threw up all over and I was pretty sure at that point it was broken, but the wait at ER was so long we went home and I took him in first thing in the morning. It was broken, and nobody in Victoria could fix it, so the family took a little day trip to Sugarland to get a cast.

I thought maybe Cooper would think it was a little fun to have a cast, but he was heartbroken. He is a very tough and resiliant kid, but he was in tears all day the day he got his cast. The kind of tears that break your heart, because he was trying to hard to hold it together, but they would just slip out. Every time he tried to do something new that he couldn't do with a cast, the tears would just come.

It was a good time to remind him that his arm will get better someday, but there are a lot of people that have injuries that last their whole life, and how lucky we are for our strong and healthy bodies.

Cooper did better after that first day until the first day back to school. There were a lot of tears involved, and the only way I could get him to go is by agreeing to go with him. I went for an hour, but then had to sneak out to go to to Cole and Ivy. We all went back at lunch time to eat with him and he was doing much better by that point.

Unfortunately water day was the next day, which is no fun with a broken arm. They had slip n slides and huge waterslides, but I ended up checking Cooper out early and he spent the day with us. It is going to be a long 5 weeks for all of us!!
bone shaped sandwhich for the drive to sugarland

posing for pictures with his good arm. He was so tough and pleasant, that you'd never think he had a broken arm!

all of us waiting for the cast


Wednesday 15 April 2015

Knighting Ceremony

Cooper goes to DeLeon Elementary. Their mascot is the dragon, and they have a knighting ceremony a few times a year to honor the kids who model the virtues that they are learning about. This time they had been learning about tolerance, and Mrs.Fernandez chose Cooper as the student she wanted to recognize for tolerance. This is what she said about him-

"For the virtue of tolerance I have chosen Cooper Squires to be knighted.  Cooper has shown tolerance in the classroom everyday that he has been in kindergarten.  He is friends with all of the students in our classroom and likes each and every one of them even if they may be different than he is.  If another student is trying to bother Cooper while they are in the hallway, on the carpet, or in line he is able to show tolerance by ignoring them and doing what he is supposed to be doing.  He also lets others have their way and never complains just because he did not get his way.  Cooper you show tolerance everyday and we are all very lucky to have you as a friend and classmate in our class, congratulations!


Cooper was a little embarrassed about all of the recognition during the assembly, but it was cute because all of the students were cheering very loud for him. He didn't want to talk about it when we got home and just wanted to play with Emmett (the friend we invited). During dinner he asked to watch the video recording of the ceremony, and then wanted to watch it again and again. We watched it about 10 times, because I love it just as much as he does! :) We brought him a balloon with some gold coins and a toy dragon.  Tonight at bedtime, he was telling Cole dragon and knight tales all night. He is so excited. We are sure proud of him. 

Friday 10 April 2015

Parent Teacher Conference

We had your parent/teacher conference this last week. You were there with us and you were a little embarrassed by all of the attention. You read a couple sentences that you had written in your journal. They were mostly things about jumping on the trampoline and "switch and go" toys.

Your teacher had nothing but wonderful things to say about you. She said you were excelling in all areas of school...academically and socially. The only thing you didn't get an 'E' in was knowing all your coins, you forgot them throughout the year!! Ha. She said that she hopes her son is just like you when he starts school. I am so proud of you, Cooper. It really is such a joy to be your mom! Thanks for being the best example to everyone. We sure love you!

Sunday 1 February 2015


We went to eat lunch with you the other day, and it was so fun. We got to eat outside on the picnic tables and Ivy crawled around (and barely missed the fire ant pile we found later-thank goodness!!) while we talked and ate. We played I spy and talked about your day. You told us when your class had your block class you were at the counselor's office and you talked about emotions. That day you talked about being angry and how to cope with it. I asked if you had ever been angry, and that led to talking about times that you have felt all different emotions. It was a fun talk. Here is what you said:

-I felt angry when dad wouldn't let me have more water when it was bedtime

-I felt sad when Cole got the chocolate cupcake at Ivy's party

-I felt excited when Santa brought me blister

-I felt happy when Santa rearranged the treats we left for him to make a snowman

-I felt scared when we went on a family bike ride with a tandem bike

I LOVE talking with you. The older you get the more insightful, funny, and bright you are. I sure love you Cooper!!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Golden Birthday!

Here's the run-down of 1-6-15 at our house....Cooper's big 6th birthday!

January 6th wasn't just your birthday, it was your first day back to school after Christmas break.

We filled your room with balloons.

We let you open a couple presents before school. We tried something different this year, and let you pick your own presents, because you really enjoy browsing through toys. You loved it. Before school you opened your new clothes, one of the switch and go dinos you picked, and the honey nut cheerios we got for you. (Your favorite cereal)

I brought donuts and chocolate milk for everyone in your class to celebrate your birthday. Your teacher had a baby around Christmas, so this was your first day to have a substitute. She seemed nice, but you said she didn't do a lot of the special birthday things Mrs.Fernandez does. You were a good sport though, and said "it's ok" I met you for lunch and brought Subway, your favorite.

After school, you played with the toy you had already opened, and then dad took you to basketball practice. While you were gone, I made your cake and pizza. I made a basketball cake, and pizza in the shape of a 6. Emmett brought over some toys when you came home. We ate, and you opened the rest of your presents. Mimi and Papa bought you an ant farm and a book about ants, a game, and and walkie-talkies. Grandma and grandpa bought you a remote control car and grandma sewed you a special pillowcase. (We face timed grandma when you opened it and you said "what in the world?!" when you pulled it out) you loved it though, and slept with it that night. You also opened the present you picked out from mom and dad the remote control switch and go.

I think you had a great birthday. I hope you felt loved!

6 years old!

Cooper-I cannot believe you are already 6!! You are such a strength in our family, and we love you so much. Here are some things about you at 6 years old:

-You LOVE animals. You will rotate between favorites, and when an animal is your favorite you learn everything about them and are obsessed for a month or two until you pick a new one. Your current favorite animal is the eagle, you started loving it after watching the Rescuers Down Under.

-Your favorite color is still orange.

-You love basketball, and you are really good at it! You are one of the only kids on your team that can run down the court while dribbling, and can do it with either hand.  You are still learning how to be aggressive.

-Your favorite shows are Wild Kratts and Rescue-Bots

-Your are very picky about what you wear. Your favorite outfit is a Captain America shirt with blue warm up pants.

-Your favorite foods are pizza, chicken nuggets, meatballs, and chicken tikki marsala. (An indian dish) You are very picky about what you eat, but if you like it you will eat a lot of it!

-You beg for lunchables for school lunch every day.

Some things that we love about you:

-You are so GOOD. You have your moments, but you generally are trying to do the right thing, even if you aren't being asked.

-You make friends easily.

-You are talented, it seems like you excel at almost anything you try.

-You are confident. Even in new or uncomfortable situations, you do what you need to do and do it bravely.

-You are observant.

-You have a strong testimony and knowledge of the gospel already.

-You are organized, and you love to plan things. (Like family night)

-You are a self-starter.

-You have a great sense of humor.

-You know what you want.

I will probably be adding to this list for the next couple of days as I think of more things. We love you SO much and our family wouldn't be the same without you! You are such a special, special boy, and we are so grateful that you are ours.