Sunday 31 May 2015

Broken Arm


The Gibbons were packing up to move so we had Will and Jack over to play. Cooper was being a little wild, and jumped off Ivy's chair into hands and feet position being a dinosaur. He hurt his arm and didn't want to play the rest of the time. Cole hurt his elbow a month ago and it was "nurse maid elbow" so I was suspicious that maybe Cooper had the same thing. Later that evening we went to the Housley's so Mike could try to put it back in. No such luck. I debated going to the ER and physicially went back and forth twice trying to decide if we should go or just see our pediatrician the next day. When I took Cooper to Walgreens for motrin he threw up all over and I was pretty sure at that point it was broken, but the wait at ER was so long we went home and I took him in first thing in the morning. It was broken, and nobody in Victoria could fix it, so the family took a little day trip to Sugarland to get a cast.

I thought maybe Cooper would think it was a little fun to have a cast, but he was heartbroken. He is a very tough and resiliant kid, but he was in tears all day the day he got his cast. The kind of tears that break your heart, because he was trying to hard to hold it together, but they would just slip out. Every time he tried to do something new that he couldn't do with a cast, the tears would just come.

It was a good time to remind him that his arm will get better someday, but there are a lot of people that have injuries that last their whole life, and how lucky we are for our strong and healthy bodies.

Cooper did better after that first day until the first day back to school. There were a lot of tears involved, and the only way I could get him to go is by agreeing to go with him. I went for an hour, but then had to sneak out to go to to Cole and Ivy. We all went back at lunch time to eat with him and he was doing much better by that point.

Unfortunately water day was the next day, which is no fun with a broken arm. They had slip n slides and huge waterslides, but I ended up checking Cooper out early and he spent the day with us. It is going to be a long 5 weeks for all of us!!
bone shaped sandwhich for the drive to sugarland

posing for pictures with his good arm. He was so tough and pleasant, that you'd never think he had a broken arm!

all of us waiting for the cast


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