Monday 3 November 2014

What does the fox say??

Your current obsession is with foxes. I'm not sure how it started, but when you got a Ranger Rick Jr with a full size poster of a fox that sealed the deal. Out of true love, I downloaded the "what does the fox say?" song for you and we have been listening to it a lot!

You know everything about foxes, and want a real fox for Christmas. While we were in St.George, we went to a wildlife museum and there were a couple foxes there that you loved looking at.

I love the obsessions you get with things, and can't believe how much you are able to learn about them! You are one fun+smart boy!

Primary Program


The day we left for St.George, you had your primary program. You did awesome, of course! You spoke big and loud, right into the microphone and had your part memorized. Your part was "Because God created our bodies to be like His, I can take care of mine by eating healthy foods and playing outside." (You came up with the last part).  You also knew most of the songs, and did a great job singing. You were well behaved most of the time, but turned around to whisper to your buddy Will a couple of times. You make us so proud, Cooper. You are a great boy and we love you!

Saturday 4 October 2014

General Conference


Today was the first day of General Conference. You blew me away. Let me tell you about why...
We have been having more contention than we should have in our home lately. Everybody has been in a bit of a rut I think. But you have picked up on this. On Monday, we had a lesson on General Conference, and I told you boys that when you listen to General Conference, Heavenly Father tells the speakers what to talk about. So I told you boys to think of a question that you would ask Heavenly Father if you could talk to him. Your question was, "how can our family be nicer?" Then I told you boys that if you listened to the talks, you would get an answer to your question.

We haven't talked a lot about our questions since then. Today we watched conference. As I was putting you to bed, I wanted to share my answers with you, but first I asked if either of you had received an answer to your questions. I was surprised when you said, "Yes!" When I asked you what your answer was you told me "during one of the talks, someone said that if you want to have a better family than you need to read scriptures, so we need to read scriptures". I was speechless! The crazy thing is that this was one of the things that I was prompted to improve upon while listening to conference today too.

You are such a blessing to our family. Thank you for sharing your goodness with us! We love you so much!

xoxo Mom

Sunday 7 September 2014


You played basketball for the first time this summer! You loved it! You say it is your favorite sport. You are pretty good, especially since we didn't practice much before you started the season. You are a great dribbler, and scored a basket during one of your games.


I was so nervous for your first day of school! I barely could sleep the night before thinking about how much I will miss you!

We woke up early, and you didn't complain at all. We got ready so fast, and had about 30 minutes before you had to be at school. We took pictures before you left for school.

Cole was still asleep when it was time for you to leave, but you didn't want to leave without saying bye to Cole. I told you to go and give Cole a little kiss while he was sleeping, but of course he woke up. He came out to say good-bye to you in the backyard. As you were walking out the back fence to go to school you asked if you could give Cole one last hug before leaving. You ran back to him to give him another hug. Such a sweet moment. You boys love each other.

You seemed a little bit nervous, but were so brave and excited about starting school.

When we picked you up, you were so excited because you were on "orange" for good behavior. You are often one of the very best behaved kids in class.

When I asked if you had a good day, you said yes! When I asked if you were excited to go back the next day, you said "there's school tomorrow too?!" I guess you thought it was a one day event!

Your favorite part of the day is "block classes" where you get to go to different areas of the school like the library or the computer lab, and pe, recess, and lunch!

We told you that we would give you a quarter for everybody that you met at school if you could come home and tell us their name and something about them. You came home one day and said that you had met a friend. I asked you his name.  You said, "I don't know, we aren't allowed to talk" I asked what you did with him and how you became friends. You said, I don't know, but I can tell you his favorite thing to do. I said what? You said "Be quiet" and you were dead serious. hahaha, I am still laughing about this. You are such a good boy and always follow the rules. 

Sunday 24 August 2014

Getting Ready for School


You start school tomorrow! You are mostly excited, I think. We met your teacher and saw your classroom last week. Your teacher's name is Mrs.Fernandez. She seemed very nice.  I was choked up just walking into the school last week. It is hard for me to send you to school! Cole and I will miss you like crazy here at home, but I'm sure you will love it.

Dad gave you a blessing tonight, and we ate cinnamon rolls afterwards. In the blessing, he blessed you to always know that Heavenly Father is near you, and that you will be able to understand what the teacher is teaching, and that you will be able to learn what you should, specifically that your reading will improve, and that you will learn through teaching your family at home.

You are going to love school! I hope I do too!


Wednesday 9 July 2014


Tonight I came in to talk to you for a bit before you went to sleep.

-We talked about where you would go if you could go anywhere in the world. I was expecting you to say Disneyland or something, but you said you would go to the Arctic to see the penguins. You LOVE penguins.

-We talked about what you wanted to be when you grow up. You said you want to be a toy maker and play with all the toys.

-We talked about what part of school you are the most excited about. You said recess. I am really really going to miss you when you're gone at school all day but I know you will love it. 

Sunday 29 June 2014

Dear Cooper

Dear Cooper:

What a blessing you have been in our lives during your 5 years here in our family! I hope that I can help you to be your best version of yourself, because I know that you are capable of great things! Here are some of the things that I love about you and hope for you...

-You have such strong faith already! I hope that you will build on that during your life, and that you will know without a doubt that your Heavenly Father lives, loves you, and can help you with anything you will experience during your life!

-You have a strong desire to do what's right. You will receive a lot of blessings if you are obedient. I hope that you continue to do whats right, and then you recognize where your blessings come from, and give thanks to your Heavenly Father.  I hope that you can share with other people the blessings that come from obedience.

-You LOVE to learn, and you are able to learn quickly. I hope that you always love to learn, and that you never stop learning.  I hope that when you get older you will know what to spend your time studying and what career is best for you, and I hope that you can use your knowledge to bless others.

-You are a leader! I love this about you and I hope that you always have your confidence and ability to lead others.  You take special care of Cole and Ivy, and they adore you. I am so glad they have a great example to look at through their lives.

-You think about your decisions, and make decisions wisely. You are very deliberate in everything that you do, and I hope that you always make wise decisions.

-You are empathetic! You truly feel for other people, and can read other's emotions so well.  You will be able to help others and bless their lives.

You are only 5 years old, but I learn so much from you every day. You are so special and a very important part of our family. We love you.
